Qi Gong at The Burrell Collection

Qi Gong at The Burrell Collection
Date Every week on Friday from 7th Jun 2024 until 28th Jun 2024 11.15am - 12.00pm Price Free - ticket required All ages Location The Burrell Collection Book tickets To book for this session, please visit our Eventbrite.
Qi = Energy, Gong = Work/Skill (pronounced “chee gung”)

Easy to learn and carry out, Qi Gong is suitable for all ages and levels of fitness. The exercises are usually practised in a standing or seated position, accompanied by mindful breathing but can also include meditation and self-massage.

Qi Gong principles also being an integral part of Tai Chi and other Chinese martial arts, it is an excellent preparation for these forms.

Clothing: Comfortable, loose-fitting clothes, best in layers as the body warms up quickly. Wearing shoes with a firm sole that give support, like trainers, is recommended.

Equipment: None required but bring some water to drink.

The Burrell Collection has many objects from China were those who would have made and used them may have experienced the benefits of Qi Gong. As part of our commitment to health and wellbeing we are pleased to offer this free session to visitors old and new.

The session is taken by qualified tutor Ulrike Litschka who also teaches classes for Glasgow Sports.

There are 2 sessions held on Fridays at 11.15am and 12.15pm. Session length is 45 minutes.